62% of Scotland voted against Brexit. Now that the
dimensions of the Brexit disaster have become clear, that
figure in Scotland could be as high as 80-90%.
Independence is Scotland’s only route back to EU
membership. Westminster utterly refuses Scotland any other means of EU membership.
Scotland will be readily welcomed back into the EU and even assisted in re-joining by the EU itself. Scotland re-joining is greatly in the EU’s own interests.
Without Westminster’s diplomatic pressure forcing the EU to remain silent on Scotland’s easy EU membership before the 2014 referendum, the EU will meet its own democratic ideals and welcome the quick return of independent Scotland.
Now that England is no longer a member, the EU will recognise the strategic importance of Scotland’s membership. Edinburgh will take the place of London in diplomacy with the USA. Scotland will be an English speaking EU member with deep American heritage connections.
Scotland’s American nuclear arsenal is protecting the EU and Scotland’s oil and clean energy can replace the EU’s disastrous Russian energy dependence.
European Union membership would deliver Scotland
its own seat at the European and global table.
It would return to Scotland the EU right to work, travel and study across Europe.
It would grant Scotland the economic protections which the EU offers to shelter all small members of its organisation.
It would reinstall European students access to
Scotland’s university education sector, which is one of the best in the world.
As an independent oil, gas and wind energy producing
nation, Scotland would have the powers and potential to be a technology energy leader around the world.
There has never been an easier time to join the EU. The
EU is consciously expanding and the EU is bitter about Brexit. England no longer has any influence over the EU to prevent Scotland joining. Scotland is well liked and popular across the EU in a
way that England never has been.
The EU has a desperate need of a new and reliable
supplier of clean energy, in which Scotland is a world
leader. With massive oil and gas resources as collateral, Scotland is immediately viable economically, to the point of it being strongly in EU interests to provide Scotland with economic support, immediate energy delivery contracts, and exceptional entry waivers to its former member of 47 years.
The EU needs a reliable new supplier of massive
amounts of energy and Scotland is the only nearby country which has this, apart from Russia, which has broken its contracts and deeply embarrassed the EU.
Small countries do well inside the EU where they
receive the advantages of support from much larger partners such as Germany and France. Scotland would only be the 11th smallest country of the 27 currently in the EU. Members 12 and 13 also have very similar populations to
Of all the smaller EU countries Scotland’s economic
prospects are by far the brightest. It is sitting on at least a hundred billion pounds of future profit on oil, gas and wind energy. Scotland’s natural resources have never been exhausted in the way of other European nations. Scotland has never been overpopulated.
Scotland’s laws and systems are still kept aligned with
the EU, the Scottish Government have taken care to ensure this in preparation for an easy return to full EU
The EU have repeatedly made clear that Scotland
would be welcomed back as an independent country.
Having Scotland join the EU would be in additional
EU interest as it would greatly weaken England and
gradually force it to re-join the EU once again, on far less
favourable and influential terms than previously. This would be seen across the EU as a triumph and a very suitable retribution for Brexit.
Not least in EU motivation to rapidly welcome Scotland as a member is the fact that Scotland houses 40%
of the entire European nuclear arsenal that protects all
The EU knows this and is much too politically
sophisticated to leave itself militarily unprotected over the minor bureaucratic details of Scotland’s returning
membership, an unprecedented situation involving a former member and therefore allowing for
unprecedented dispensations and assistance.
Furthermore the USA would never allow this European flank military exposure to occur. This is the reason Obama spoke out against Scottish independence at the urging of the Westminster government. The USA were manipulated into believing they would lose Faslane if Scotland became independent.
As soon as Scottish Independence is assured via a UN petition, the USA would pressure the EU to act quickly on Scotland’s membership, and may even intercede if Scotland required assistance in the matter of establishing a new currency.
Scotland has always been a strong ally of America and
in fact most Americans have Scots/Irish heritage and
not English heritage, as is normally believed.
It was the Scots and Irish who emigrated to America, out of the poverty caused by their English colonisations.
And so the EU has extremely good motive to assist
Scotland in quickly re-joining again. It is embarrassed that Scotland was forced out of the EU involuntarily by England, and the EU is desperately in need of an energy supplier to replace Russia. The EU wishes to be using 50% clean energy as soon as it possibly can.
Scotland is the world leader in wind energy and can supply a very large proportion of EU needs via undersea cable directly into Europe, replacing the Russian pipelines. Scotland has the capability and potential for being a very important, secure, and reliable EU energy supplier. The EU will go out of its way to speed up Scotland’s entry.
The EU may possibly even have the European Central Bank (ECB) underwrite the transition of Scotland’s currency and the establishment of a new Scottish Central Bank in order to facilitate faster supplying of clean Scottish energy.
ECB could easily justify this upon the basis of Scotland’s
enormous collateral in oil and natural gas, (estimated at approximately £5 trillion in value), and especially upon the EU’s urgent need for a reliable new energy supplier.
Delaying Scotland’s EU entry would delay the construction of undersea electricity cables to directly supply Europe. Neither side wants this.
In fact EU membership could come unprecedentedly quickly.
The EU has always had Scotland’s support and
Scotland was considered a very good and valuable member for 47 years.
A number of countries have become completely new EU members in only 15 months, (Austria, Finland, Sweden).
None of these countries were previously EU members in
good standing for 47 years. And the EU feels it let Scotland down by being unable to keep it as a member when it desired to remain inside the EU rather than be forced to leave involuntarily. The EU believes in democracy. Which is why England left.
It is entirely likely that Scotland will be able to become
an EU member well within 2 years and may even receive a special waiver dispensation to join almost immediately.
The EU would privately love to see England punished for its arrogant behaviour during Brexit negotiations and subsequently.
It will make any delaying EU membership problems for Scotland disappear by allowing special membership dispensations for a returning member.
Especially a member which houses 40% of the American nuclear weapons which protect Europe.