There is only one way to repair the Scottish Economy and
Scottish NHS, and the Scottish Housing and General
Poverty and Wellbeing Crisis. That is to declare independence and join the EU and then enjoy their economic advantages and social supports.
The EU provides citizen social protections and rights which Westminster deliberately avoids offering citizens.
Westminster does not wish to repair the Scottish economy and lacks the competence and financing to do so, even if it had the will.
A weak Scotland is in Westminster’s interest in keeping
authority over Scotland’s massive natural energy resources.
It is Scotland’s oil and Scotland’s gas and Scotland’s wind
energy that subsidises ten times more populous England,
and keeps it from bankruptcy. Now and even more so in the future.
The only means of repairing the Scottish economy is by
rejoining the EU single market and retaining Scotland’s
own resource wealth inside Scotland. This can only be done by an Independent Scotland.
And it can best be done with Scottish wealth being fairly
distributed among the entire Scottish population under a
political system of Social Democracy.
Social Democracy always been the favoured political
system of all of Scotland’s independence parties.
It has for decades been very successfully practised by
Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland.
All these are countries in which happiness, financial
security, and the well being of their citizens lead the annual world rankings.
What Can Independence Do?
Independence is the only means of rejoining the EU and
repairing Scotland’s economy, its damaged NHS, its
Housing crisis and its Poverty and Drug crisis.
Independence can do this by keeping inside Scotland its
own massive revenues generated by its natural resources. Instead of giving them to London.
These natural resources, (oil, gas, wind energy, tourism,
luxury foods and whisky), are subsidising London and
England and the wealthy there, while Scotland is
experiencing 25-40% childhood poverty and a drug crisis
induced by underprivilege.
To give away these massive income resources to another
country is a total madness.
This situation has been perpetuated by a decades long
stream of economic misinformation and Westminster
propaganda regarding failing Scottish revenues. In reality
Scotland is worth billions annually to Westminster. Which is why they are holding on to their last major colony so strenuously.
With almost exactly the same amount of oil and
population, North Sea Oil has made Norway the richest
country in the world per capita. It holds $1.3 trillion dollars in a national public sovereign wealth fund which has been established to protect the welfare of all their citizens, both now and for several generations into the future.
Meanwhile in the same period Scotland has risen to the top of European drug deaths due to poverty and underprivilege.
Austerity inflicted by Westminster has also led to 25-40%
child poverty in Scotland.
These kinds of statistics do not exist in first world EU
countries like France, Germany and the 6 Nations practising Social Democracy. (Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland.)
The UK is no longer a first world European nation. It
now has an equal poverty with Poland and other Eastern
European countries. Citizens of Independent Ireland now
have a 30% higher average income than UK citizens.
Scotland is subsidising a nation (England) which is ten
times larger than itself. This is the source of Scottish
After independence Scotland will not be giving its
massive natural resources away to London.