Scotland Has No Right Of Political Self Determination.

Saltire Waving

All international bodies recognise the universal human right to political self determination. This means the UN, the EU, the International Court of Justice and every single civilised first world nation in the world.

Even the UK has declared itself in agreement with this fundamental principle.

Still Scotland has been denied the right to political self determination by the 80% English controlled Westminster government of the UK.

This English controlled Westminster government of the UK has unilaterally declared that it is illegal for Scotland to hold a self determining national referendum without the specific granting of permission for it by England, in the form of a Section 30 Order.

The English Supreme court of the UK has declared this self-interested breach of Scotland’s internationally recognised human rights to be a just and legal ruling.

This despite the fact that it is in breach of all recognised international law.

The Section 30 Law of The UK Government.

A Section 30 Order is a claim by Westminster that Scotland is a nation in a voluntary Union with England but a nation which does not have the right to leave the Union or even allow its people to vote constitutionally on the issue of independence.

Northern Ireland has the constitutional right to both a referendum and the leaving of the UK as part of its constitutional agreements with Westminster. Scotland does not have this right and has repeatedly been refused it.

The refusal of a Section 30 Order in 2022 by Westminster allowed Westminster to deny Scotland the independence referendum it requested after it was forced involuntarily to give up membership in the EU under the terms of Brexit, despite Scotland having voted against Brexit by a substantial majority.

England claims it is not an imperialist coloniser of Scotland, but that Scotland may not leave the Union without England’s permission. This is both illegal under international law and transparently deceptive.

England’s claim of legal authority over Scotland was upheld in November 2022 by the UK Supreme Court in Westminster, London, despite its democratic failings, which neither the European Court of Justice nor the UN would allow if they were to be consulted.

Scotland is in a voluntary union or it is not.

If Scotland cannot leave the Union without England’s permission then the Union is not voluntary.
Rather it is a colonisation that is illegal in the eyes of World institutional bodies. (UN, EU, ECJ, NATO).

The Section 30 law does not apply in international law under European/International Courts of Justice in matters of independence. It is always expected and anticipated that the colonising power will not agree to grant independence to the colony.

The Scottish Parliament can simply pass a law declaring Section 30 invalid in Scotland and proceed with a legal Scottish referendum of its own population. England need not recognise this Scottish law but their legal opinion is of no consequence under accepted international law regarding self determination of peoples and states.

Scotland is being denied the right of self determination, as if it is a colony, and this alone makes it legally possible for it to declare itself independent and be recognised as a legal independent nation by world bodies such as UN and EU, regardless of the opinion and statutes of UK (English) law

International bodies such as the UN, EU and ECJ, have precedentedly and repeatedly recognised that independence from an imperialist power is never freely given to a colony. It must be taken.

It is the Section 30 Order itself that is internationally illegal, not the holding of a referendum of the population of a nation that is not a colony

This is a denial of rights that is strictly against international law regarding the right of self determination of any nation. Under International Law Scotland is, by legal definition, an unrecognised colony of Imperial England.