Pros and Cons of Scottish Independence
The Advantages of Scottish Independence
1. Scotland can make its own laws and policies and control its own destiny.
2. Scotland can build the kind of society it wants that suits its own needs and social humanitarism. The Social Democracy model of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland has been a very great success for the average citizen there. The SNP and all the independence parties intend that Scotland should follow this Nordic model rather than the Westminster model of unregulated capitalism modelled essentially on the failed American system, which deeply lacks social caring and welfare security.
3. Scotland has the massive natural resources to be an extremely wealthy and powerful country. It has oil, gas, wind, water, open land. It leads the world in clean energy production. It has a major tourist industry and is a luxury international brand in whisky, foods, tourism and other products. It also has a history of skilled manufacturing.
As a brand Scotland is famous and well liked all around the world. This is not true of the UK generally.
4. Scotland has a highly educated population and a highly respected University system with 3 major world universities. Higher education is a major Scottish global export. Scotland attracts students from around the world.
5. Scotland speaks English which makes it an advantageous global entry point into the EU for world financial, manufacturing and tech corporations. It is this advantage which has allowed Ireland to become a Celtic Tiger and by far the richest country in the former UK.
6. Scotland can quickly rejoin the EU – by far the largest trading block in the world which offers untold advantages to small countries. Small countries thrive inside the EU where they enjoy the protection and influence of much larger countries such as Germany and France. Scotland would only be the 11th smallest country in the EU out of 28.
7. An Independent Scotland would keep its own revenue from its own oil and gas and wind energy. This alone will make Scotland a wealthy country, easily able to pay for establishing a new nation.
Since the 1970s 91.5% of Scotland’s oil revenue is taken by England annually as a right.
Norway has become the richest country in the world on the same amount of oil and population as Scotland. Scotland now in 2024 still has reserves equal to those already used up, at least £4 trillion in value and probably more.
1. Scotland will have no-one to give the wealth generated by its enormous natural resources away to. For nothing.
2. Scotland will no longer be ‘Better Together’.
Instead it will have to stop doing what the English Westminster Parliament tells it to do, and be ‘Better Alone’.
This Cons list is a pretty paltry list and so we are offering the opportunity for anyone to complete it for us, especially someone from Oxford or Cambridge, (Eton is optional). Experts are welcomed too. Especially experts from Westminster. State your qualifications.
Prof Robert Burns AI is a super genius so you should try to be one also. This means don’t bother boasting about how grand Brexit has been.
You should be able to back up all your claims with credible reference.
Be aware that propaganda from the UK government does not count as credible reference. Historically Westminster has spent centuries lying to the world regarding its Empire’s accounting and true purposes.
Also for the last 40 years it is earning £10-£20 billion annually in oil revenue from Scotland. So make all your references independent and ideally from a foreign organisation which does its own research instead of repeating Westminster’s self-serving statistics.
We ourselves use the highly credible and neutral OECD, (The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) – an independent organisation with 38 member countries based in France and established in 1948.
Don’t bother quoting us more endless streams of deliberately misleading disinformation data from the English ‘Scotland Office’ at Westminster.
(See the Prof Robert Burns article on the McCrone Report of 1974 on Site Map and in the ‘Defining Independence Issues’ book, available free elsewhere on this site, for Westminster’s true attitudes and imperialist thinking accidentally revealed.)
Your article will then go RIGHT HERE.
Making the fairytale case against Scottish Independence without mentioning England’s feast of advantages.
Until we get a good article from an economic and geopolitical expert, here is a brief commentary on the cons of Scottish Independence written by a premier league footballer who wishes to remain anonymous in case people find out how much he is earning for 90 minutes work a week.
Benefits Of Scotland Being Ruled By Us English In Westminster
We are no longer in the horrible EU and Brexit has been a fantastic success. Who wants foreigners telling them what to do and forcing them to have legal rights for housing and employment and health and things like that?
Human rights are for sissy foreigners with no stiffness in their lips.
Who needs food on supermarket shelves or medicines or cheap foreign holidays? Not the Scotchers.
Who wouldn’t want to own Scotland when it has that amount of oil and gas and wind energy and drinking water and open land and tourism. They even have freakin* Hobbits I heard!
Any real English person would have to be out of their minds to give all that away for nothing! Look what happened with America and how all that turned out. They even got a better flag than us.
And Scotland has better drinks than we do. Have you tasted our beer? You need two gallons of it just to face taking a penalty.
England has overcrowding and no resources left and no money and not even any drinking water for gardening with. We’re drowning in freakin* sewage because we lied so much.
And the EU hates us now it accidentally found out what we’re really like after trying to negotiate Brexit with us.
And where exactly are we going to keep our American nuclear weapons? In freakin* England? I don’t think so. Those things are dangerous and the Russians like to blow them up first thing they get upset.
It’s really lucky that Scotland volunteered to get nukular blown up instead of us. We should move all our nucular power factories up there too just in case.
Without Scotland to own we are in some deep trouble down here, I’m telling you.
Hello from London.
PS: Better Together! I think I forgot to say that.