Scotland Without Independence

Future Scotland As A Nation Without Independence

The Future of the UK.

In the Scottish independence debate there is always much discussion regarding the future of Scotland and how everything will work in an independent nation. But nothing is ever said about Scotland’s future if it remains inside the UK. Somehow it is always taken for granted what it will be. But what exactly will be Scotland’s future inside the UK?

What exactly are the UK’s future prospects now that we also have Brexit, and what will Scotland’s part in it be?

The UK is no longer a first world power. The British do not yet realise it but their standard of living is much the lowest in the developed first world. Average incomes in UK are 30% lower than Ireland and equal to that of Poland. Economically the UK belongs with a group like Slovakia, Croatia and other former Eastern European countries. It does not belong as an economic equal with Scandinavia and Germany and France or the Netherlands or Belgium or Switzerland. It has been left behind. These countries now own large former British public industries. UK social systems are decades behind those of these countries. What the UK actually owns is the least democracy and the most wealth inequality of all these nations.

The UK is a state which is run for the benefit of a ruling elite and to the detriment of most of the population. It is a heavily looted country with a deeply flawed electoral system that has been corrupted into a haven for billionaires. The UK has almost as many tax avoiding billionaires as it has food banks.

And following Brexit it would be extremely naïve to imagine that things are going to improve economically. There are no miraculous new global trade deals as promised to replace the foolish abandonment of the EU as UK’s major market. Nor will there be. The UK has already sold everything it has to sell.

Proof of this is visible on every High Street. Shuttered stores and abandoned businesses. Despite Westminster’s claims, other countries are not suffering like this. Other countries have social nets, the Nordic Social Democracies most of all. The UK’s social net has been dismantled in favour of profiteering by wealthy investors, and in time the English NHS will also cease to function. It is already deep in crisis.

Let us not forget that all these other European countries also had a covid epidemic and an economic crisis, just as the UK did and which Westminster now blames every economic disaster on. But these European countries do not need food banks. The poor there are able to live reasonably. The reason for this is that they all have properly functioning democratic systems of proportional representation.

In Europe only the UK and the Belarus dictatorship do not have this kind of democratic government. In these two authoritarian states the governments are not functionally answerable to their electorate. They are even able to starve their citizens without any real consequences.

The UK is on a steeply downward trajectory and Scotland will be taken there with it. And certainly not in the first class seats. Without Scottish oil for England to exploit there will be more Scottish austerity than ever before. Scotland will look like Eastern Europe but without the glamour.

Currently in 2024 Scotland has the highest level of drug addiction deaths in Europe and the lowest life expectancy for men, lower even than in Russia. Child poverty is 25-40%, virtually at third world levels.

All this is caused by deprivation and underprivilege and the only solution to it is money. Whilst inside the UK with its natural resource revenues taken by England, Scotland is dependent on the financing given to it by the English government in Westminster. Can that money realistically be expected to rise after North Sea Oil stops flowing? There is no will for this in Westminster. England can’t even afford to save itself. England will not hesitate to ignore Scotland. London ignores it now, and even ignores the poverty in England’s own northern regions.

England uses Scotland as a place to put its nuclear weapons and its nuclear plants. Soon it will begin to export its poor and uneducated too, its crime and homelessness and desperation. Scotland is its colony. Historically England sends those people it does not want to its colonies.

England is not a democracy, it has never been and has never wanted to be. England is a country run by and for a ruling elite who freely loot its wealth and privilege. And these people rule the UK too. This is why there is no written UK constitution, so that a British citizen has no rights and the UK parliament is always free to change the rules to suit themselves. It is a feudal system created by aristocrats in the middle ages. Virtually every other civilised country in the world has a written constitution enshrining the rights of its citizens.

This is the true solution to the mystery of Brexit; Why did it happen?

In whose interest exactly was this British economic suicide?

It’s clear enough that the poor and ignorant voted for it out of blind racism and the desperation of poverty. But why exactly were they told such an incredible array of lies by a small cadre of Conservative extremists?

These people knew what it would mean economically to lose the single EU market.

These conservatives were all members of the ruling class and they all saw personal gain in Brexit and that is precisely why they supported it.

They saw the opportunity to be big fish in a smaller pond. They saw a way to free themselves of the European Union’s democratic instinct and replace it with their own unsupervised power. Unlike the EU leaders, this Conservative elite cares nothing for democracy.

In fact they are authoritarians and against democracy. They want to rule, not have people voting against their looting of the British nation. This is why we have seen the privatisation and destruction of almost every public service, from transportation to sewage and flood control, from energy and water supply to postal services. The UK ruling elite made money from the plundering of all these public services. This is precisely why they were privatised.

Be assured that the future of the UK will not be better, everything is already looted and sold off. There will not be more public housing built nor will there be fewer food banks. And Scotland will not be first in line to get the limited public funds on offer, because Scottish voters carry too little influence in Westminster. In fact they carry none at all, since 82% of the Westminster parliament are English MPs and only 8% are from Scotland.

In a future for Scotland inside the UK, there is only a terrifying prospect of poverty and crime and homelessness.

This will happen in Brexit England and in Scotland even more so. Unless Scotland controls its own resource wealth and uses it to support its struggling population as a whole. Just as all the Scottish independence parties are planning under the new political system of Social Democracy, based on the very successful Scandinavian model.

Only a Scotland inside the European Union is a secure and economically viable Scotland. A Scotland owning its own natural resource wealth.

The UK is a country which formerly derived its wealth from the exploitation of its empire colonies, and England still does this in regard to Scotland and Wales.

The UK is not a democracy but an oligarchy, run for the benefit of a small ruling elite. This is what is taught at Eton and Oxbridge.

The Scots will remain, as they always have been, second class UK citizens after the English. Scotland will be used for the exploitation of its resources and, when the oil and gas stops flowing South, the money flowing North will fall to an absolute minimum. And that minimum will be extremely low as England itself struggles with its own food banks and NHS and housing crisis and growing political unrest.

The collapse of the UK state will take Scotland with it and there will no longer be a cushion of oil and gas and EU subsidies there to soften the landing.

Remaining in the UK means retaining this poisonous class system which has ghettoised most of the UK population.

An independent Scotland could simply walk away from it entirely. Leave it completely behind in the feudal past. Where it belongs.

Brexit has killed the last saving hope of the UK completely. Britain is a sinking ship and Scotland will go down with it if it does not take control over its own fate and resources by claiming its independence.

Better Together means drowning together.