What kind of country doesn’t have a national anthem? Only a country that doesn’t exist and doesn’t know how to come into existence. National pride and emotion really matter at a referendum ballot box. Scotland needs an inspiring National Anthem immediately, it is the only country in the world that doesn’t have one. For the national identity of a country an anthem is as important as a flag.
Everybody in Scotland loves singing Flower of Scotland and it is the envy of the entire world as a moving anthem.
But it has horrible words as a national anthem for a new country and is mainly about being defeated, murdered and oppressed by the English. England is featured in it more than Scotland. It should probably be the English national anthem. This is why it has never been adopted as Scotland’s official anthem.
Now somebody has finally written new and perfectly matching lyrics to sing to Flower of Scotland. Inspiring lyrics that are meaningful for Scotland and a perfect rhythmic fit.
The new lyrics sing exactly the same as Flower of Scotland always sings. Perfect for a huge crowd to sing together.
(You can try singing them along with Amy Macdonald below.)
These lyrics were given as a gift to the people of a new Independent Scotland. The Scottish government already have them for use as a National Anthem for an independent Scotland.
But Scotland requires them immediately to inspire the emotion and courage it needs to become an independent country.
Here they are:
Sung exactly to the tune of Flower of Scotland.
Alba Gu Bràth (Alapah g’ brah) (Forever Scotland)
O flower of Scotland
At last we see your bloom again
Frae Lowlands tae Highlands
All through the forests and glens
We rise up singing
Wi voices joyous
Hearts overflowing
Tae be a free nation again
The soul of Alba
Is in the heart of our green land
Frae rivers tae islands
Frae sister tae brother in blood
We grace our Scotland
Frae loch tae mountain
Wi equality, honour
Wi justice and peace
Tae see our hills bloom
Across our land, as it rises again
The spirit of Scotland
Lives deep in the beat of our hearts
We rise up singing
Wi pride and freedom
The great Lion of Scotland
Begins tae roar