Foreign Voting In Referendums

The Delicate Issue of Non-Scottish Voters In Scottish Independence Referendums.

How Did Scotland Become The Only Country In History To Ever Vote Itself To Be Ruled By Another Country?

When Scotland voted against independence, the entire world was astonished. No country had ever fought against its own independence before, not in all history. And this wasn’t even a bloody battle, this was making a cross on a piece of paper with a pencil.

Other brave countries have spent a hundred years at war to win their independence. Somehow Scotland wouldn’t even put a mark on a piece of paper for theirs. How could this possibly happen? Scotland looked cowardly and foolish to the entire world.

Here is the true explanation.

This is the reason Scotland is not independent now and may also lose the next referendum in precisely the same manner as in 2014. After waiting for 30 years cap in hand to be allowed another referendum by Westminster.

I lived inside the EU for a decade, in the Netherlands, probably the most democratic country in the world. I was never allowed to vote there. Even though I was an EU citizen.

But I loved the Social Democratic society and I was grateful to be allowed to live there.

For several decades I also lived in the USA. I was not allowed to vote in any elections of any type there. Legal residents are not allowed to vote, only full American citizens. America promotes democracy around the world and often goes to war in support of it.

I am also not allowed to vote in Australian elections, nor EU elections, nor Indian and Chinese elections.

I am not allowed to vote in these elections because I am a foreigner and the people of these countries do not wish me, a foreigner, to be telling them how to run their country.

They are wise in this because I am a guest there, my stake in their country is not as high, and I do not understand and approach their culture and heritage in the deep way in which they do.

And these countries all especially do not wish me to be telling them if they are countries or not.

It is a proven mathematical fact that the Scottish people of Scotland wish to be an independent country and govern their own land and own their own natural resources and wealth. They voted for this in the 2014 independence referendum and they desire it even more now that they have been forcibly removed from EU membership. This is a fact that can be backed up with mathematics.

Before we go any further you should know I am an applied mathematician.

FYI politicians are not mathematicians. To put it kindly.

To be clear:

In the 2014 referendum anybody resident in Scotland on that date could vote on whether Scotland is a country or not.

This included foreign students doing brief university courses, EU citizens spending a few years on work assignment in Scotland, English residents who had retired to Scotland to get away from England and buy cheap houses. Indians and Poles and New Zealanders and Australians and Canadians and anybody at all who was in Scotland for a few months or more could vote on the historical future and identity of Scotland.

One vote per person, one for a native born Scot and an equal one for an English resident immigrant.

But no votes at all for Scottish born people who were temporarily or permanently abroad.

And for the 2014 referendum, abroad included the 800,000 born Scots who are living in the country of England due to the decades of lack of economic opportunity in heavily underprivileged Scotland.

The University of Edinburgh recently calculated that YES would have won the 2014 independence referendum by 5.4% if only native born Scots resident in Scotland had been allowed to vote.

The actual percentage of native born Scots living in Scotland who want independence from UK rule is never polled but, following Brexit and with the poverty events of the last decade and the changing demographic of Scotland, this Scots born percentage in favour of independence must now be somewhere between 65% and perhaps even as high as 80% of native born Scots.

This still excludes all those who are native Scots born but living abroad and in England as economic migrants.

Either one of these pro-independence percentages are easily enough for Scotland to declare independence and be immediately and automatically recognised by the UN, EU, NATO, USA as an independent country.

The opinion of Westminster in this is utterly irrelevant. Westminster do not make International Law.

Whether Scotland becomes a free independent nation is not a matter for English people to decide, nor for the foreigners of any nation who happen to be in Scotland at the time of a referendum.

This is way too much generous hospitality.

And especially when a million actual real Scots living abroad and in England were not permitted a postal vote on the issue. Apparently due to the claimed inconvenience of opening envelopes and checking eligibility.

To actually win independence the 2014 Scottish referendum rules made it necessary for the YES campaign to achieve a 67% – 33% positive result among actual Scots. By giving NO a 17% start, anything less than this would result in a loss for independence.
And it did.

The largest group in this 17% of the population was English people, by far. They were at least 12% of all voters.

English people were voting on whether England should continue to rule Scotland.

An imperial coloniser does not get to vote on the colony remaining subject to its rule. This is a stupidity resembling madness.

In the referendum the English voted to have England continue to rule over Scotland, and the EU residents voted to definitely remain in the EU.

And if I was English or an EU foreign resident in Scotland, I would have voted exactly the same as they did. I would have voted NO to avoid the unnecessary upheaval in my financial and residency situation.

By voting NO I would avoid having to do anything at all. And it is easy for me to vote NO because I have no emotional interest in the issue. If I am English or EU I am not Scottish and I already have a homeland and a passport for my own country.

This is transparently obvious to anyone, that these foreign people had nothing emotional at stake for independent Scotland, and a strong motive to vote NO,

Foreign residents in Scotland should be given a passport, a citizenship, an apology, even a big hug. They are welcome here, we need them and we want them.

But they must wait until they are Scots before they can vote as Scots in a referendum on the very existence of Scotland.

To allow such a massive non Scottish proportion to vote in a referendum on Scotland’s statehood is a grand folly which will result in any future referendum failing to reflect the true wishes of the actual Scottish born people.

Just as already happened by 5.4% in the 2014 referendum.