Land Ownership And Reform In Scotland

Saltire Waving

Land Reform In Independent Scotland.

Scotland is the only country in the West which still has the kind of medieval feudal land ownership laws which have allowed 432 people to come to own 42% of Scotland’s rural land between them.

Most of these land owners are foreign landlords who do not live in Scotland but own the land for investment, private luxury recreation, and formerly for extremely generous EU ‘farming’ subsidies.

These 432 people between them own 4 times as much of rural Scotland as is in total public ownership.

This is deeply exploitative of the entire nation of Scotland. The Scots are refused access to much of their own country, which is in private and foreign hands.

The largest landowner in Scotland is a Danish fashion magnate who cannot by law buy huge estates of land in strongly regulated, Social Democratic, Denmark, and so now owns enough of Scotland to be able to prevent entire industries from locating in areas he personally controls.

He is the largest landlord in all the UK and owns 220,000 acres of Scottish land. He bought these 12 estates at the bargain basement price of £70 million, an amount of capital that is far less than 1% of of his estimated $12 billion in personal wealth.

This Danish individual bought a very substantial amount of all Scotland for a smaller personal cost than when you or I buy a washing machine or a fridge.

That this is possible is a disgrace and an embarrassment that can only happen to a heavily oppressed nation of people who do not control their own laws. Wealthy foreigners take their land and their resources and their country away from them and they are too weak to prevent it.
Independent Scotland will not be this weak.

Scottish land reform is hundreds of years overdue. All of these absentee and generationally inherited aristocratic estates and landlords would be removed by law and the land of Scotland would be again owned by the Scots public.

This would immediately open up enormous areas of empty land for the construction of new towns and industries and road infrastructure. We would have fewer private golf courses and a lot more social housing.

Currently these 400 private landlords are controlling the towns and villages and industries of the Highlands and Islands by using their wealth to bully local councils regarding spaceports, exclusive luxury private resorts and Trump golf courses and spa hotels.

These landlords do not give a second thought to the residents of these rural areas, preferring to cater to the foreign rich and their expensive recreation. The local people are there only to provide servant staff.

Land reform in an Independent Scotland will end all of this immediately and forever. Local residents will control their local environment and its ability to generate industries.