Prof Burns Defines Independence Issues Book

The book above can be navigated by mousing over it and using the page turning arrows which appear on the book at bottom left.

This is a book of articles covering all the principal issues of Scottish Independence and analysing their true nature, which is often concealed.

The book gives actual answers, definitions and geopolitical analysis of Independent Scotland’s surprising true strength in the world regarding EU, UN, USA, NATO, England.

It specifically covers everything; Economic deficits, pensions, currency, energy, borders etc etc. Policies and strategies. Referendums and Future Scottish Industries by region. Westminster strategies to hold onto Scotland and why.

The more unique articles, including those regarding the reasons for the lost 2014 Referendum and A New Path To Independence in 2024, can be found as individual site pages via the Site Map.

The book above can be navigated by mousing over and using the page turning arrows which appear on the book bottom left.

It can also be read as a single long web page.