Independent Scotland is in a powerful negotiating position with the EU, the US and NATO. And also with England.
All 3 of these global powers would recognise Scottish independence immediately and go out of their way to override English objections.
Scotland could be established internationally as an EU and NATO member and major US ally and EU emissary inside two years.
The European Union
The EU will welcome and assist in Scotland re-joining their union. England no longer has diplomatic influence with the EU to delay Scotland’s accession, as it did during the referendum of 2014, when it forced the EU to remain silent on Scotland’s future easy accession.
The EU has not appreciated Brexit’s hostility and deceit, nor their own failure to prevent Scotland’s involuntary departure from EU membership.
The EU is now expanding again and three new members achieved membership in only 15 months. This without having previously been members for 47 years, as Scotland has.
The EU desperately needs a reliable energy supplier to replace Russia following their gas pipeline debacle. The EU is committed to using 50% clean energy as soon as possible. Scotland leads the world in clean wind energy.
In fact the EU appreciates Scotland as a member enough to give it special entry dispensations and European Central Bank support in establishing a new currency in order to facilitate unprecedentedly speedy membership to its former member and thus allow a much earlier new energy supply via a direct electricity cable from Scotland to mainland Europe. ECB would probably even underwrite Scotland’s independence and currency on the basis of its oil and gas reserves alone.
Regarding US recognition, Scotland has the geographical location the US needs for trade and military transport as the future oceanic Northern sea trade route opens up free of ice.
Scotland currently holds 40% of Europe’s nuclear arms stationed at Faslane. These are US owned and it is a major US resupply base and staging area, just as the Shetlands will be when the Northern Ocean becomes a major military and trade route between US and Europe.
The US wants Scotland as a strong European ally and will diplomatically pressure Westminster in the matter of independence negotiations. The US has a very strong Scottish-Irish heritage, not an English heritage. The US does not need England now that it is outside of the EU. This is why America does not even bother to make a post Brexit trade agreement with England.
America will use Scotland as its ally and its main emissary to the EU once it becomes an independent EU member. It will politically sponsor an Independent Scotland in order to achieve this.
The United Nations
The UN will recognise Scotland under its own rules and precedents for the self determination of any nation. It will do this as a legal obligation but also under the diplomatic encouragement of the US and NATO. Westminster will be pressured to accept Scotland’s nationhood under threat of losing the prestige of its UN Council veto, which it still holds without real reason.
NATO would immediately recognise Scotland a a member because of the important nuclear base at Faslane, a major military port for NATO and the US and the centre of all European theatre nuclear operations. NATO wishes that Faslane remains as a nuclear base, and will offer Scotland maximum support in exchange for this.
Under powerful International pressure Westminster would be forced to the negotiating table to agree fair terms of independence or it would have to publicly declare Scotland a legal colony of England, with no right of self determination.
This is a clearly losing legal position in the European Court of Justice (ECJ).
A denial of independence terms would not be possible for Westminster to attempt in the face of the disapproval of the entire world and its global institutions.
Following the humiliation of Brexit, England cannot endure such a further massive blow to its global reputation. It should be remembered that England has never been as internationally weak and uninfluential as it is now.
Brexit and economic poverty has ended its soft power and brought forth resentments from former colonies and slighted friends, such as the EU.
Scotland will receive overwhelming support and applause from the world as it breaks away from a much resented England.
World Opinion
With a legitimate, authenticated, native Scots born majority support for Independence, which may even prove to be massively (75+%) in favour, Scotland can confidently and easily petition all world governing bodies to be officially recognised as an independent nation without a legal means of self determination other than this petition.
This is the precise legal definition of a colony under illegal foreign rule in the eyes of all the World governing organisations and the International Court of Justice.
Scotland will be viewed by the world as a heroic underdog which has finally rebelled against its master.
(See How The 2014 Independence Referendum Was Lost for more analysis on this issue of voting eligibility and its inevitable result.)